April 27, 2020

Getting Ready For Post COVID-19

Everyone of us is going through this pandemic period in very different ways. We’re also all experiencing uncertainty about the future and that can be very unnerving. Times like these, however, are when some of the best leaders are made and you can be one of them too.

In a previous article, I talked about with you 5 ways to lead through a crisis. Today, I’d like to share 3 things you can do to during this period to unlock your leadership potential and be ready for what comes after COVID-19.

1. Adjust your mindset
Leaders are deliberate in the things that they do and it starts with the right mindset. It’s very easy to fall into a downward mental quagmire during a time like this when uncertainty about the future is at it’s peak. However, every setback in life provides an opportunity for learning and growth.

It’s therefore critical that you adjust your mindset and tune it towards just that, growth and learning. This doesn’t mean you need to go out and sign up for every online course available, rather it means you should first pause and reflect on what you can learn about yourself and what’s happening around you.

Personal growth through self-reflection can be a powerful propellant to growth and learning in other aspects of life.

2. Prepare
The whole world is on pause right now but that doesn’t mean that life has stopped. We will come out of this into a new normal and you have to be prepared for that eventuality. Opportunities always show up on the other side of a crisis and if you are adequately prepared, you can seize them swiftly and reap the rewards.

Your preparation, however, should be in line with your goals. If you have a goal to build up your investment portfolio and you believe there will be company stocks that you can pick up on the cheap, start researching and learning everything you can about those companies now and get your investment accounts set up. If your goal is to get a promotion, ensure that you are currently working at the level you wish to be promoted to.

Whatever the case, if there’s an opportunity that you anticipate will present itself, do the ground work now so that you can capitalize later. As the formula goes, preparation + opportunity = success.

3. Just Start
More than half the battle of doing anything is won by just starting. Starting doesn’t have to be grand or monumental. It can be as simple as taking an idea out of your head and putting it on paper, getting a sample audiobook for the book you’ve always wanted to read, or signing up for an online learning platform in preparation to take a course. The bottom line is that you need to take some kind of action toward a goal you have. If you have a dream, start by turning it into a goal and then take action.

As you continue on your own leadership journey, remember that if you don’t spread your wings, you’ll never know how high or how far you can fly. So stretch your feathers because you were Made To Lead!

Listen to the latest episode of the Made To Lead Podcast.